Reglon BasedBeing Regionally Based is The First Step in Making "Omiyage""Omiyage" comes from various ingredients and in various forms. This is because the tastes and cultures oftheir region of origin vary. In its pursuit in making true "omiyage," Matsuzawa starts by understanding thecultures, traditions, and tastes of the people of a reg ion. Matsuzawa develops close relationships withregional manufacturers, and produces products that bring out the traits of local ingredients to their highestpotential. Matsuzawa believes that it is impossible to create "omiyage" that conveys a region, before evenunderstanding it. This is Matsuzawa's starting point and fundamental belief in creating "omiyage."Planning proposalProduce a Stage Where Feelings Can Be CommunicatedThe retail store is where the seller and buyer of " omiyage" can meet face to face. If the store cannotproperly convey the features of the "omiyage" or the region it represents, then the feelings put into the"omiyage" cannot be properly communicated either. So, Matsuzawa also values its relationships withregional retail stores. Apart from just delivering its products, Matsuzawa proposes product offerings anddisplays, and also captures the needs of sellers and consumers. Moreover, the mentality of "omiyage" thatconnects people's hearts is rooted within Matsuzawa's operations, from its operation of concept stores torestaurants.Product SafetySafety Come First in "Omiyage"Society now places large interest on the responsibility of companies for the safety of their food products.We, Matsuzawa, have, as one of the firsts within the omiyage industry, implemented ISO9001 internationalstandards for guaranteed safety of our products and services, and systematized our functions as a companythat develops, manufactures, and sells its products. Safety come first in "omiyage" that connects people'shearts. We aim to further increase our product quality, and to continue to operate with consumer opinionsconsidered.